Term-End Examination
December - 2023
Time: 2 hours
Maximum Marks: 50
(Weightage: 70%)


Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

हिंदी माध्यम: यहां क्लिक करें


1. What is Business? Explain features and objectives of Business. 2+8

Ans:- Business is an economic activity that involves the exchange, buying, selling or production of goods and services for the purpose of earning profits and satisfying the needs of customers.

It includes various essential characteristics and objectives that define its nature and purpose within the economy.

Features of Business:-

(i) Exchange of goods and services: All business activities revolve around the exchange of goods or services for money or equivalent value

(ii) Innumerable transactions: Businesses regularly engage in numerous transactions, not limited to one or two transactions

(iii) Profit motive: The primary objective of business is to earn profit, which serves as a reward for the services provided.

(iv) Business Skills: Successful business operations require specific skills and qualities for economic success.

(v) Risks and uncertainties: Businesses face risks and uncertainties, some insurable risks and others that must be borne by the business

(vi) Buyer and Seller: Every business transaction involves at least two parties – a buyer and a seller, who form the basis of business interaction.

(vii) Linked to production: Business activities are often linked to the production of goods or services, forming an industrial activity.

Business Objectives:-

(i) Profit generation: The main objective of business is to generate profit

(ii) Customer Satisfaction: Ensuring customer satisfaction is important for business success

(iii) Market expansion: Businesses aim to expand their market presence and reach new customer segments

(iv) Cost Minimization: Reducing costs while maintaining quality is a common goal in business operations.

(v) Continuous Innovation: Businesses need to continuously innovate to remain competitive

(vi) Employee Engagement: Engaged employees contribute to a positive workplace culture and increase productivity

(vii) Social and environmental contribution: Many businesses aim to make a positive contribution to society and the environment.

(viii) Sustainable growth: Sustainable growth is a fundamental objective for businesses, planning for long-term revenue growth and expansion.

In short, business is a multifaceted economic activity driven by profit motives, customer satisfaction, innovation and social contribution, with a focus on sustained growth and development in a competitive market environment.

2. What is Industry? Explain its classification with illustrations. 2+8

Ans:- Industry refers to a group of manufacturers or businesses that produce specific goods or services. It covers various sectors of economic activity including manufacturing, commerce and trade. The word "industry" can also mean diligence and hard work. It originates from the Latin word "industria", which means hard work. Industries can be classified into different levels based on their functions and contribution to the economy, such as primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary and tertiary.

Industry is a group of productive enterprises or organizations that produce or supply goods, services or sources of income. In economics, industries are generally classified into four main categories: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary. These categories are based on the nature of economic activities involved and the level of processing of raw materials or transformation into final products.

(i) Primary Industries:-

Primary industries are concerned with the extraction and processing of natural resources. These industries use natural resources directly as raw materials and convert them into consumable form. Examples of primary industries include:-

(a) Agriculture: Cultivation, breeding of plants and animals

(b) Mining: Extraction of minerals and metals

(c) Fishing: Catching and processing fish and sea food

(d) Logging: Cutting and processing of wood and timber.

Primary industries can be divided into two subcategories:- extractive industries and genetic industries. Extractive industries extract or extract products from natural sources such as mining and fishing. Genetic industries are concerned with the breeding of plants and animals so that they can be used in further breeding, such as in the seed and nursery industries.

(ii) Secondary Industry:-

Secondary industries, also known as manufacturing industries, obtain raw materials from primary industries and convert them into final goods after further processing and value-addition. The goal of these industries is to make raw materials more easily consumable by the end consumer. Examples of secondary industries include:-

(a) Manufacturing industry: Processing raw materials or semi-finished goods into finished products

(b) Construction Industry: Construction of buildings, dams, bridges, roads, tunnels and canals

On the basis of the production method used, secondary industries can be classified into four main categories:-

(a) Analytical industries: Analyzing and separating different elements from the same material, such as oil refineries

(b) Synthetic industries: Mix different raw materials to create a completely new product, such as cosmetic cream industry.

(c) Processing industries: Involves sequential steps to manufacture finished products like sugar and paper industries

(d) Assembly industries: Combine various small components to form a new final product, such as electronics goods industry.

(iii) Tertiary Industry:-

Tertiary industries are considered to be the lifeline of the economy and act as infrastructure providers for the operations of primary and secondary industries. These industries provide service facilities and are not engaged in hardcore production activities but are basically service providers. Examples of tertiary industries include:-

(a) Banking and credit facilities

(b) communication and transportation

(c) storage and packaging

(d) advertising and marketing

Tertiary industries are important for the smooth functioning of an economy, as they support the activities of primary and secondary industries by providing essential services.

(iv) Quaternary Industry:-

Quaternary industries are not usually recognized as a distinct category, but can be considered a subgroup of tertiary industries. Quaternary industries are concerned with the provision of information and knowledge-related services such as research and development, education and health care.

In short, industries are classified based on the level of processing of raw materials or transformation into final products. Primary industries extract and process natural resources, secondary industries convert raw materials into finished products, and tertiary industries provide services needed to support the economy.

3. Differentiate between Partnership and Joint Stock Company. 10

4. Briefly explain the meaning of the following: 3+3+4





(Read Syllabus/ Assignment, Notes, Exam Routine, Question Papers and solved)

Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK