
Time: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100



(i) This Question Paper consists of two Sections, viz., 'A' and 'B'.

(ii) All the questions from Section 'A' are compulsory.

(iii) Section 'B' has two options. Candidates are required to attempt questions from one option only.

(iv) Marks are indicated against each question.




1. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

(A) I gasped and stared aghast at Aunt Pramela. How on earth could she say such hurting words in front of Aradhana? Didn't she know how touchy she was about dark complexion? And why did she have to hang on it today of all days?

(i) What did aunt Pramela say? 1

Ans:- According to the excerpt, Auntie Pramela said some "hurtful words" in front of Aradhana. The excerpt does not state what she said, but it suggests that they were related to Aradhana's dark complexion, which was a sensitive subject for her.

(ii) Describe Aradhana. 1

Ans:- The excerpt indicates that Aradhana was "sensitive" about her dark complexion. This suggests that she was sensitive or easily upset by comments related to her skin colour.

(iii) What was special about 'today'? 1

Ans:- The excerpt states that Auntie Pramela "had to pay attention to today of all days", which means that there was something important or special on that day when she made hurtful comments about Aradhana's complexion.

(iv) Pick out the words which are similar in meaning to the following: 0.5+0.5=1

(a) breathed laboriously

Ans:- "panting" - breathing hard

(b) easily upset or offended

Ans:- "sensitive" - ​​easily upset or insulted


Some have voiced concern over the noise produced by rotor blades, aesthetic impact, and the plight of birds that fly into the rotors. Most of these problems do not exist in India as wind farms are located in remote areas or the problems have already been resolved through technological development. The major challenge to use wind as a source of power is that it is intermittent and it does not always blow when electricity is needed.

(i) What are the concerns raised about wind energy? 1

Ans:- The main concerns raised about wind energy are:-

(i) Noise generated by the rotor blades

(ii) Aesthetic impact on the landscape

(iii) Plight of birds flying into the rotor

(iv) Wind Energy in India

(ii) Why most of these problems do not exist in India? 1

Ans:- Most of these problems do not exist in India because:-

(i) Wind farms in India are generally located in remote areas, away from populated areas.

(ii) Technological advances have helped solve the issues of noise and bird strikes.

(iii) What is the major challenge to the use of wind as a source of power? 1

Ans:- The major challenge of using wind as a source of power is that it is intermittent. The wind does not always blow when power is needed, making it an unreliable source for continuous power generation.

(iv) Find words which have similar meaning to the following: 0.5+0.5=1

(a) concerned with appreciation of beauty.

Ans:- A word with a similar meaning to “relating to the appreciation of beauty” is “aesthetic”.

(b) away from where other people live.

Ans:- A word with a similar meaning to “far from where other people live” is “remote”.

(B) Baldeo, the watchman, was awake. He stretched himself slowly unwinding the heavy shawl that covered him. It was close on midnight and the chill air made him shiver. The station, a small shack backed by heavy jungle, was a station in name only; for trains only stopped there, if at all, for a few seconds before entering the deep cutting that led to the tunnel.

(i) Why was Baldeo awake? 1

Ans:- Baldev was awake as it was almost midnight and the cold wind was making him shiver.

(ii) Why did he cover himself? 1

Ans:- Baldev covered himself with a heavy shawl to stay warm in the cold night air.

(iii) Describe the station. 1

Ans:- The station was a small hut surrounded by dense forest. It was a station in name only, as trains stopped there only for a few seconds before entering a deep gorge leading to the tunnel.

(iv) Pick out the words which are similar in meaning to the following: 0.5+0.5=1

(a) extended in length

Ans:- The word “spread out” is similar in meaning to “spread out in length”.

(b) roughly built cabin

Ans:- The word “hut” is similar in meaning to “roughly built cabin”.


My father still persisted, for he knew that my staying at home would result in my becoming a pampered child. He realized, as well, that I would have difficulty in playing with normal children, and my mother would always be afraid to let me leave the immediate premises.

(i) What was the father persisting? 1

Ans:- The father insisted on sending the author to school despite his reluctance or fear of leaving home.

(ii) What would happen if the writer stayed at home? 1

Ans:- If the author stayed at home, he would become a pampered child, unable to interact normally with other children and always under his mother's supervision.

(iii) What did the father realize? 1

Ans:- The father realised that staying at home would hamper the author's social development and make it difficult for him to play with other children of his age.

(iv) Pick out the words which are similar in meaning to the following: 0.5+0.5=1

(a) continued inspite of difficulty

Ans:- persisted.

(b) a house or a building

Ans:- grounded

2. Answer in 30 to 40 words any three of the following questions: 3×2=6

(a) What was the Intruder's first question? How did Gerrard react to it? (If I were You)

Ans:- The intruder's first question was "Put your hands up!" Gerard reacted calmly and welcomed him, pretending to be surprised but not afraid.

(b) In which part of India is wind energy abundant? Where is research done for wind energy and why? (Fuel of the Future)

Ans:- Wind energy is abundant in the southern parts of India, especially Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. Research on wind energy is carried out at the Centre for Wind Energy Technology (C-WET) in Chennai to assess the potential of wind energy and promote its use.

(c) How did Gavaskar break his mother's nose? (My First Steps)

Ans:- Gavaskar accidentally broke his mother's nose while playing cricket at home. He was practising his batting shots when the ball hit his mother's nose.

(d) How did the writer's Grandmother lead her life? (Father, Dear Father)

Ans:- The author's grandmother led a simple life, waking up early in the morning, doing household chores and spending time with her grandchildren. She was a strong woman who faced difficulties with courage and resilience.

3. Answer the following in about 60 words: 6

Who was Bishamber Nath? Why was Bholi's sisters envious of her? (Bholi)

Ans:- Bishamber Nath was a well-to-do grocer who came to Bholi's wedding with a large party of friends and relatives. He was an unequal match for Bholi, being almost her father's age and also lame. However, Bholi's parents felt that he was a good match for her.

Bholi's elder sisters were jealous of her fortune as Bishamber Nath came to the wedding with much pomp and splendour, with a brass band playing and riding on a decorated horse. Ramlal had never dreamt that his fourth daughter Bholi's baraat would be so grand. The sisters were jealous that Bholi's wedding was being celebrated with such pomp while their own wedding was not.


Was the doctor right in throwing Evans out of the car? Was the case of suspicion justified? (A Case of Suspicion)

Ans:- Based on the search results the doctor's actions in throwing Evans out of the car were probably reasonable.

The key evidence is:-

(i) The doctor noticed that Evans had a "small, cat-like face" and that he had "a long dark scar" on his cheek that appeared to be recent, which made the doctor suspicious of him.

(ii) When the doctor picked up his watch, he realised it was missing, which made him think Evans had stolen it.

(iii) The doctor pulled out his pistol and forced Evans to put the watch back in the doctor's pocket before throwing him out of the car.

Although the doctor's actions may seem harsh, the search results show that he had reasonable grounds to suspect Evans and to believe that he had stolen the doctor's watch. Given that the doctor was potentially going to save a woman's life, his decision to remove the potentially unreliable Evans from his car appears to be reasonable.

The case for suspicion against Evans appears to be reasonable based on the details provided, such as his appearance, his attempt to get more cigarettes, and the missing watch. The doctor's actions, although aggressive, were probably a reasonable response to the situation in which he found himself.

4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:-

Where the mind is led forward

By thee into ever widening

Thought and action -

Into that heaven of freedom

My father,

Let my country awake.

(i) Where is the mind led to? 2

(ii) What does the poet mean by 'heaven of freedom? 1

(iii) What does the poet mean by 'Let my country awake'? 2





(Read Syllabus/ Notes, Exam Routine, Question Papers and solved)

Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK