Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


1. Answer as directed: 1×8=8

(a) Advertising agencies only prepare advertising plan. 1 (Indicate whether True or False)  False

(b) The basic objective of advertisement is to create Demand for the goods/services. 1 (Fill in the blank)

(c) Newspaper is an indoor / outdoor media of advertisement. 1 (Choose the correct word)

(d) "Personal selling and salesmanship are synonymous terms". 1 (Indicate whether True or False) True

(e) "Radio advertisement is direct/indirect advertising". 1 (Choose the correct answer)

(f) What is creative Salesmanship? 1

Ans:- Creative selling skills involve using innovative and imaginative techniques to effectively sell products or services. It goes beyond simply presenting features and benefits, and aims to create a memorable experience for the customer.

(g) "Identification of target group is not the subject matter of market research". 1 (Indicate whether True or False) False

(h) Good health is a physical / mental trait of a salesman. 1 (Choose the correct word)

2. What is 'Topical Copy'? 2

Ans:- Topical advertising, also known as 'topical copy', is a marketing technique used by advertising agencies to create ads that respond to current events or trending news. Its goal is to generate additional buzz and coverage for a brand by creating content that is relevant to the public's interest in a timely manner.

3. What is sales report? 2

Ans:- A sales report is a comprehensive document that analyzes a company's sales activities and performance over a specific period of time. It typically includes information on sales volume, revenue, leads, new accounts, and costs.

4. What is meant by "Patronage buying motives"? 2

Ans:- Based on search results, patronage purchase motives refer to the reasons or considerations that influence a buyer to prefer a particular retailer, outlet, or service provider over others.

The main points about patronage buying objectives are:-

(i) Emotional patronage buying objectives:

(a) Appearance of the shop

(b) Attractive display of goods in the shop

(ii) Rational patronage buying objectives:

(a) Convenient location and proximity of the shop

(b) Relatively low prices offered at the shop

5. Mention two services rendered by an advertising agency. 2

Ans:- The main services provided by an advertising agency are:-

(i) Creative services: Advertising agencies provide creative services such as developing advertising materials including visuals, text and videos for various platforms. This involves the work of creative teams such as art directors, copywriters, designers and motion graphics professionals to create effective and attractive advertising campaigns.

(ii) Media selection and planning: Advertising agencies are responsible for selecting the appropriate media channel (such as TV, print, digital, outdoor) to deliver the advertising message to the target audience. This involves careful consideration of factors such as cost, reach, audience demographics and client requirements. The agency also handles the planning and booking of advertising placements in the selected media.

6. What is "Real response" in advertising? 2

Ans:- Real Response is a company that provides professional training and coaching services primarily in the areas of emergency preparedness and response. They help organizations prepare for and deal with emergency situations.

7. Write a note on Public Relation Department. 3

Ans:- The public relations (PR) department is responsible for managing and disseminating information from an organization to the public in order to influence public opinion and maintain a positive image.

The main functions of a PR department include:-

(i) Advocacy: PR professionals act as responsible advocates for their organization, displaying facts and viewpoints to aid informed public debate.

(ii) Media relations: This involves fostering favorable relationships with external media such as news organizations, blogs, and industry publications. PR professionals reach out to reporters to generate positive media coverage.

(iii) Community relations: The PR department focuses on building the organization's reputation in specific communities or regions. For example, a company selling outdoor gear will build relationships with outdoor enthusiast organizations.

(iv) Internal communications: PR professionals manage communications between the organization and its employees. They disseminate important company information and help address employee concerns before they become public issues.

8. Briefly write the nature of Salesmanship. 3

Ans:- Salesmanship is the art of persuading potential customers to buy the goods or services they need. It involves more than transferring ownership of products in exchange for money. True salesmanship creates demand by persuading people through factual arguments and guiding them to buy what they really need.

Some of the key characteristics of salesmanship include:-

(i) Establishing good relations with different people

(ii) Adapting quickly and learning easily

(iii) Communicating clearly, both verbally and in writing

(iv) Being persistent towards goals and not giving up easily

(v) Having high moral values ​​to win the trust and respect of customers

9. What is the importance of consumer protection? 3

Ans:- The importance of consumer protection is:-

(i) Unorganised Consumers: Consumers, especially in developing countries like India, are often unorganised. Consumer protection laws and organisations help to empower and organise consumers for better protection of their rights and interests.

(ii) Consumer Ignorance: Many consumers are unaware of their rights and the redressal mechanisms available to them. Consumer protection laws and awareness campaigns help educate consumers about their rights and how to seek recourse.

(iii) Preventing Exploitation: Consumers often face exploitation from businesses through unfair trade practices, fraud and deceit. Consumer protection laws and regulations help prevent such exploitation and hold businesses accountable.

10. What is meant by sales territory? Why is it required? 2+1=3

Ans:- A sales territory refers to a geographical area or customer group assigned to an individual salesperson or sales team.

Sales territories are established for the following purposes:-

(i) To provide appropriate market coverage and control sales expenses.

(ii) To assist in evaluating the performance of sales personnel.

(iii) To contribute to sales force morale and the coordination of sales and marketing efforts.

(iv) To ensure balanced workload and sales potential across the sales team.

Defining sales territories helps companies optimize resource allocation, improve sales efficiency, and develop deeper customer relationships within each territory. It also allows sales teams to focus their efforts on a specific group of customers and accounts, leading to a better understanding of local market dynamics and more personalized service.

Overall, sales territories are a strategic tool that companies use to organize and manage their sales operations more effectively.

11. Write a note on the conference method of Salesman training. 3

[Coming soon]








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