(M. COM.)
Term-End Examination
December - 2023
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Weightage: 70%


Note: (i) Answer any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.


हिंदी माध्यम: यहां क्लिक करें

1. (a) “Business Environment is dynamic, complex, multi-faceted and has a far-reaching impact.” Comment on the statement citing relevant example. 10

Ans:- The statement "The business environment is dynamic, complex, multidimensional and has far-reaching effects" accurately describes the characteristics of the business environment.

Here is a detailed description of each characteristic and a relevant example:-

(i) Dynamic:

Definition: The business environment is constantly changing due to various internal and external factors.

Example: The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India in 2017 significantly changed the business landscape. It led to changes in pricing strategies, supply chain management and tax compliance for businesses across various sectors.

(ii) Complex:

Definition: The business environment consists of many factors, events and conditions that interact with each other, making it difficult to understand the relative impact of each factor.

Example: The economic environment in India is influenced by factors such as inflation rates, interest rates and government policies. These factors interact with each other and other environmental factors, making it complex to predict the exact impact on businesses.

(iii) Multidimensional:

Definition: A single change in the business environment can be viewed differently by different observers.

Example: The introduction of a new technology such as artificial intelligence can be viewed as both an opportunity and a threat by different businesses. For example, a company investing in AI may see it as a competitive advantage, while another company may see it as a threat to its existing business model.

(iv) Far-reaching effects:

Definition: The survival, growth, and profitability of a business depend heavily on the environment in which it operates.

Example: The COVID-19 pandemic had far-reaching effects on businesses around the world. It caused changes in supply chains, shifts in consumer behavior, and significant economic disruptions. Businesses that adapted quickly to these changes were more likely to survive and thrive.

In conclusion, the statement accurately reflects the dynamic, complex, multidimensional, and far-reaching nature of the business environment. These characteristics require businesses to be adaptable, responsive, and proactive to succeed in a rapidly changing environment.

(b) Explain various approaches and the process of „Environmental Scanning‟. 10

Ans:- Here is a brief answer to the question on approaches and process of environmental scanning:-

(A) Approaches to Environmental Scanning

Experts have identified three main approaches to environmental scanning:-

(i) Systematic Approach: In this approach, information for environmental scanning is collected systematically. It involves constantly collecting data on factors such as markets, customers, changes in legislation, government policies, etc. that directly affect the organization's activities.

(ii) Ad Hoc Approach: Using this approach, an organization may undertake special surveys and studies to examine specific environmental issues as needed, such as when starting new projects or evaluating existing strategies.

(iii) Processed-Form Approach: For this approach, the organization uses information in processed form available from secondary sources both inside and outside the organization, such as government agencies, trade journals, and market research reports.

(B) Process of Environmental Scanning

The overall process of environmental scanning usually involves the following steps:-

(i) Identifying and studying key events and trends in the external environment.

(ii) Establishing cause-and-effect relationships between these events/trends and the organization's operations, both short-term and long-term.

(iii) Preparing diagrams and models to measure and visualize the interrelationships between various environmental factors.

(iv) Reviewing the analysis with a group of experts providing inputs on potential strategies.

Sources of information for environmental scanning may include internal documents, trade publications, government data, competitors, customers, suppliers, and market research.

By following a structured process of environmental scanning, organizations can better identify opportunities and threats, and make more informed strategic decisions.

2. (a) What is money market? How is it different from capital market? 4+6

Ans:- Here is a concise response addressing the key differences between money market and capital market:-

Money Market: The money market is a short-term borrowing and lending platform that provides cash for businesses and governments to meet their immediate operational needs. It deals in financial instruments with maturities of up to one year, such as commercial paper, treasury bills, and certificates of deposit.

Capital Market: In contrast, the capital market is a long-term investment arena where companies raise funds to expand their businesses and investors seek potential growth opportunities. Capital market instruments have maturities exceeding one year and include stocks, bonds, and other long-term securities.

The key differences between money market and capital market are:-

(i) Purpose and Function: Money markets focus on short-term borrowing and lending to manage liquidity, while capital markets facilitate long-term investment and capital formation.

(ii) Instruments and Participants:

(a) Money markets involve short-term instruments like commercial paper and treasury bills, traded among banks, financial institutions, and large corporations.

(b) Capital markets deal in long-term instruments like stocks and bonds, with a broader range of participants including individual and institutional investors, companies, and governments.

(iii) Risk and Return: Money market instruments generally carry lower risk and offer lower returns, while capital market investments have higher risk but potential for higher returns.

(iv) Regulation and Oversight: Money markets are more heavily regulated by central banks to ensure stability, while capital markets have regulatory oversight focused on fair trading and investor protection.

In summary, the money market and capital market are complementary components of the financial system, catering to distinct short-term and long-term financing and investment needs.

(b) Explain the constituents of capital markets and their importance to Indian Economy. 10

Ans:- Capital markets in India play a vital role in promoting the country's economic growth and development.

The major components of Indian capital markets and their significance are as follows:-

(i) Equity Markets: Equity markets represented by stock exchanges such as BSE and NSE allow companies to raise capital by issuing shares to the public. This enables businesses to finance their operations, expand and invest in new projects, boosting economic activity and generating employment. Equity markets also provide investment opportunities for individuals and institutions, allowing them to increase their wealth over the long term.

(ii) Debt Markets: Debt markets facilitate the raising of capital through the issuance of bonds and other fixed income securities by governments, public sector enterprises and private companies. This provides an alternative source of financing for large-scale, long-term infrastructure and development projects that are critical to India's economic progress.

(iii) Derivative Markets: Derivative markets, including futures and options, allow investors to hedge risks and speculate on future movements of asset prices. This improves the overall efficiency of the capital markets by enhancing price discovery and liquidity.

(iv) Regulatory bodies:

Bodies such as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) regulate and oversee capital markets to ensure fairness, transparency and investor protection.

This helps maintain the integrity and stability of the markets, which is essential for attracting domestic and foreign investment.

(v) Intermediaries:

Financial intermediaries such as brokers, investment banks and mutual funds facilitate the smooth functioning of capital markets by connecting issuers and investors.

They provide essential services such as underwriting, market-making and investment advice, thereby enabling efficient capital allocation.

In conclusion, capital markets in India, with their diverse components, play a vital role in mobilising savings, channelling investments and promoting economic growth and development. By providing access to long-term financing, investment opportunities and risk management tools, capital markets are important drivers for India’s progress.

3. (a) Why is it necessary for the Government to bring capital market reforms and regulatory measures? Discuss with examples. 10





(Read Syllabus/ Assignment, Notes, Exam Routine, Question Papers and solved)

Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK