English, Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, Chapter - 2, (VSA) Solved, Class - 10th| (ASSEB) Assam Board


English, Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, Chapter - 2, (VSA) Solved, Class - 10th| (ASSEB) Assam Board





1. State whether the following are true or false:

(a) Nelson Mandela spent twenty years in prison.  [HSLC -2015]

Ans:- False.

(b) On the day of the inauguration, two national anthems were sung. [HSLC -2015]

Ans:- True.

(c) On the day of inauguration Mandela was accompanied by his daughter zenari. [HSLC -2016]

Ans:- True.

(d) Thabo Mbki was sworn in as the second deputy president. [HSLC -2016]

Ans:- False.

(e) The policy of apartheid created lasting peace in Mandela's county. [HSLC -2017]

Ans:- True.

(f) On the day of inauguration Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of history. [HSLC -2017, 20]

Ans:- True.

(g) On the Podium, Mr. de Klerk was first sworn in as first deputy president. [HSLC -2019]

Ans:- False.

(h) Then Tabo Mbeki was sworn in as second deputy president. [HSLC -2019]

Ans:- False.

(i) On the day of inauguration Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of freedom. [HSLC -2020]

Ans:- False.

2. Choose the meaning of the underlined words in the following sentences from among the alternatives given in brackets:

(a) I saw that. it was not just my freedom that was curtailed, but the freedom of everyone -------(enhanced/reduced/withheld) [HSLC -2019]

Ans:- reduced

(b) Mandela's country is rich ------ [HSLC -2020]

(i) In forests and lakes

(ii) In minerals and gems

(iii) in agriculture.

Ans:- (ii) In minerals and gems

(c) All of us will spend many years, if not generations, recovering from that profound hurt. (light and vain/abnormal/deep and strong) [HSLC -2020]

Ans:- Deep and strong.

3. What does courage mean to Mandela? [HSLC -2015, 17]

Ans:- For Mandela, courage does not mean the absence of fear but a victory over fear. According to him, brave men need not be fearless but should be able to conquer fear.

4.'According to Mandela, between love and hate which comes more naturally to human heart? [HSLC -2016]

Ans:- According to Mandela, love comes naturally to human heart.

5. Which does he think is natural, to love or to hate? [HSLC -2016]

Ans:- For Mandela, love comes more naturally to the human heart than hate.

6. What missions would Mandela like to achieve for the future of South Africa and her people on securing the political emancipation? [HSLC -2018]

Ans:- The mission which. Mandela liked to achieve for the future of South Africa and her people on securing the political emancipation is that he wanted to free his people from poverty, suffering, hardships, deprivation, gender, and class discrimination. Also, he assured the people that no person in South Africa would undergo this oppression from that day on wards.

7."The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity." What makes say this? [HSLC -2018]

Ans:- The line the oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity expressed that neither the oppressors is free nor the oppressed is free, according to Mandela. He does not think that the oppressor is free, because, in his opinion, an oppressor is a victim of hatred, and is behind the bars of prejudice and narrow- mindedness.

8. What did Mandela say about the wealth of his country? [HSLC -2019]

Ans:- Nelson Mandela said that the wealth of his country lies not in its natural resources, but rather its people were the real wealth. They are finer and truer than the purest diamond.

9. When did Mandela begin to hunger for freedom? [HSLC -2020]

Ans:- Mandela viewed his childhood freedom as an illusion where he obeyed his parents and the customs of the tribe. When he became youth he realised that his freedom had been taken away from him which was the fact that created him a desire to hunger for freedom.

10. What does Mandela mean by courage? Who, according to him, is a brave man? [HSLC -2022]

Ans:- For Mandela, courage does not mean the absence of fear but a victory over fear. According to him, brave men need not be fearless but should be able to conquer. The brave man is not he who does not feel of any kind, but he is different.

11. 'Freedom is indivisible.' How does Mandela explain this observation of his? [HSLC -2022]

Ans:- Nelson Mandela states his ideas about freedom. He believes that freedom is indivisible. The chains on anyone of his people were the chains on all of them. While growing up he realised that freedom has deeper value and meaning, it means equality and honour for all. According to him oppressor is the prisoner of hatred prejudice and narrow mindedness.

12. Write the names of two patriots before Mandela? [HSLC -2022]

Ans:- Oliver Tambo, Walter Sisulu.

13. Who was Nelson Mandela?

Ans:- Nelson Mandela was the first Black President of South Africa.

14. What is apartheid?

Ans:- Apartheid was a racial discrimination policy that was practiced by the Whites against the Blacks.

15. Who was Zenani?

Ans:- Zenani was Nelson Mandela's daughter.

16. Where did Mandela's inauguration ceremony take place?

Ans:- Mandela's inauguration ceremony took place in the sandstone amphitheatre formed by the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

17. What was the old anthem of the Republic?

Ans:- Die Stem was the old anthem of the Republic.

18. What "twin obligations" does Mandela mention?

Ans:- According to Mandela every individual has two obligation in life one to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children and the other obligation to his people, his community, his country.

19. When was Nelson Mandela born?

Ans:- Nelson Mandela was born on 18 July 1918.

20. What was the author's age at the time of his inauguration ceremony?

Ans:- The authors age at the time of his inauguration ceremony was 80 years.

21. What should people learn so that they can be taught to love?


Which does Mandela think is natural, to love or to hate?

Ans:- People should learn to hate so that they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.

22. Does Mandela think the oppressor is free?

Ans:- According to Mandela, the oppressor must be liberated just as surely as the oppressed, the oppressor is a prisoner of hatred, prejudice and narrow mind.

23. What does courage mean to Mandela?

Ans:- According to Mandela, courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.

24. How does Mandela describe the systems of government in his country in the final decade of the twentieth century?

Ans:- Mandela describes the system of government as one that recognised the rights and freedom of all people regardless of the colour of their skin.

25. What is the view of Mandela about the wealth of his country?

Ans:- According to Mandela, the greatest wealth of his country is its people which are finer and truer than the purest diamonds.

26. What is the viewpoint of Mandela about freedom?

Ans:- According to Mandela, freedom is indivisible.

27. What changed Mandela as' a young man into a bold one?

Ans:- The desire for the freedom of his people to live their life with dignity and self-respect that changed Mandela as a young man into a bold one.

28. What type of government was chosen in South Africa?

Ans:- A democratic government was chosen in South Africa.

29. What do the military generals do?

Ans:- The military generals saluted and pledged their loyalty in front of Mr Mandela.

30. What does 'rainbow gathering' mean?

Ans:- Rainbow gathering means gathering of people from different nations.

31. Who led. the first non-racial government?

Ans:- Nelson Mandela led the first non-racial government.

32. How many years did Nelson Mandela spend in prison?

Ans:- Nelson Mandela spent twenty seven years in prison.

33. What was the special importance of 10 May?

Ans:- The 10th of May was important because on that day the first democratically elected government of South Africa was to be established.

34. Was Mandela indeed ‘free in every way' in his childhood?

Ans:- No, Nelson Mandela was not free in every way even in his childhood. He had to abide by the custom of his tribe.

35.Was he troubled' by the laws of man or God when he was a child?

Ans:- No, as a child he was not troubled by the laws of man or God as long as he obeyed his father and followed the customs of his tribe.

36. What did he yearn for as a young man in Johannesburg?

Ans:- As a young man in Johannesburg, he yearned for freedom: of achieving his freedom, earning, marrying and having a family.

37. Who was sworn in as the Deputy President of South Africa?

Ans:- Mr. de Klerk was sworn in as second deputy President in South Africa.

38. Who accompanied Mandela?

Ans:- Mandela's daughter Zenani accompanied him.

39. What are two enemies of a person?

Ans:- Prejudice and narrow-mindedness are the two enemies of a person.

40. What was the national anthem for the blacks?

Ans:- The national anthem for the blacks were 'Die stem'.

41. What roared in perfect formation over the Union Building?

Ans:- South African jets, helicopters, and troop carriers roared in perfect formation over the Union Building.

42. How many years did Mandela spend in prison?

Ans:- Nelson Mandela spent twenty seven years in prison.

43. What were the colours emitted by a chevron of Impala jets?

Ans:- The colours emitted by a chevron of Impala jets were black, red, green, blue and gold.

44. What were the people present in the amphitheatre doing?

Ans:- All of those who were present there were conferring glory and hope to new-born liberty.

45. What was an extraordinary human disaster?

Ans:- The apartheid regime based on racial discrimination and segregation was an extraordinary human disaster.

46. What was the effect of decades of oppression and brutality?

Ans:- The decades of oppression and brutality produced many brave and fearless patriots like Tambos, Sisulu’s, Dadoos, Fishers and Sobukwe’s of their time.

47. Where did the ceremonies take place? Can you name any public buildings in India that are made of sandstones?

Ans:- The ceremonies took place in the campus of the Union Building of Pretoria, which were attended by dignitaries and leaders of many nations. In India; Rashtrapati Bhavan and Red Fort are buildings made of red sandstone.

48. Can you say how 10th May is an autumn day' in South Africa?

Ans:- As South Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere, may falls in the autumn season. Thus 10th May is an autumn day'.

49. At the beginning of his speech, Mandela mentions "an extraordinary human disaster".

Ans:- By 'an extraordinary human disaster' Mandela means to state the practice of apartheid in South Africa.

50. What does Mandela thank the international leaders for?

Ans:- Mandela thanks all of them for having come tó witness the historical ceremony.

51. What ideals. does Nelson Mandela set for the future of South Africa?

Ans:- Nelson Mandela set the ideals of liberating people from bondage of poverty, deprivation and suffering; indiscrimination based on gender or racial origins.

52. What did the military generals do?

Ans:- The highest military generals of South African defence force saluted Mandela and pledged their loyalty which was of great significance as during apartheid era they would have arrested him.

53. How did their attitude change and why?

Ans:- The change in their attitude was because of struggle and sacrifices put in by many, heroes of South Africa. This struggle not only ensured the freedom of a nation struggling with apartheid, but brought a change in mindsets of many.

54. Why were two national anthems sung?

Ans:- One the auspicious occasion of the inauguration two national anthems: one by the Whites and the other by the Blacks symbolising the equality of the Blacks and the Whites were sung.

55. How does Mandela describe the systems of government in his country in the first decade?

Ans:- In the first decade of the century, the whites erected a system of racial domination against the blacks, thus creating the basis of one of the harshest and most inhumane societies the world had ever known.

56. How does Mandela describe the systems of government in his country in the final decade, of the twentieth century?

Ans:- In the final decade of the 20th century, the. previous system had been overturned and replaced by one which recognised rights and freedom of all people regardless of colour of their skin.

57. Which does Mandela think is natural, to love or to hate?

Ans:- For Mandela, love comes more naturally to the human heart than hate.

58. What "twin obligations" does Mandela mention?

Ans:- Mandela mentions that every man has twin obligations. The first is to his family, parents, wife and children; the second obligation is to his people, his community and his country:

69. Why were two national anthems sung?

Ans:- On the day of the inauguration, two national anthems were sung, one by the whites, and the other by the blacks. This symbolized the equality of blacks and whites.

60. What "twin obligations" does Mandela mention?

Ans:- Mandela mentions that every man has twin obligations. The first is to his family, parents, wife, and children; the second obligation is to his people, his community and his country.

61. When did the author hunger for freedom?

Ans:- When freedom was reduced from the author. he felt much for it. He saw that his brothers and sisters were not free. He joined the African National Congress. His hunger for freedom become greater for the freedom of his people. It was the desire to live lives with dignity and self-respect.

62. What do the military generals do?

Ans:- The highest military generals of the South African defence force and police saluted Mandela and pledged their loyalty. When the military generals saluted Mandela, he was not unmindful of the fact that not too many years ago, they would not have saluted him; but arrested him.







Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK