[APRIL - 2023]
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100


Note: (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks allotted to each question are indicated against it.


हिंदी माध्यम: यहां क्लिक करें


1. "The business enterprise and its owners are separate" is the theme of  1

(A) convention of consistency

(B) business-entity concept

(C) convention of full disclosure

(D) dual- aspect concept

2. Income received in advance ₹7,000. What effect will the transaction have on the accounting equation? 1

(A) Increase and decrease in asset

(B) Increase and decrease in liability

(C) Increase in asset and increase in liability

(D) Increase in liability and decrease in asset

3. Which of the following is the book of original entry? 1

(A) Trial Balance

(B) Journal

(C) Ledger

(D) None of the above

4. Under which method of depreciation, the amount of depreciation goes on reducing year after year? 1

(A) Straight-line Method

(B) Diminishing Balance Method

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of the above

5. Carriage inward is shown in the 1

(A) debit side of Trading Account

(B) debit side of Profit and Loss Account

(C) credit side of Trading Account

(D) credit side of Profit and Loss Account

6. Which of the following is not included in Central Processing Unit (CPU)? 1

(A) Control Unit

(B) Memory Unit

(C) Arithmetic and Logic Unit

(D) Output Unit

7. State any three limitations of accounting. 3

Ans:- Limitations of Accounting:-

(i) Measurability: Accounting cannot measure intangible factors that do not have a monetary value, such as management quality, employee loyalty or brand reputation. These important elements are crucial to a company's success, but are excluded from financial statements.

(ii) Historical cost: Financial records usually rely on historical costs, which do not take into account inflation or market fluctuations. This can lead to a distorted view of a company's current financial position, as the values ​​of assets and liabilities may differ significantly from their market values.

(iii) No future estimation: Accounting provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time, making it difficult to predict future performance. Users often want information about future profitability and viability, which standard accounting practices do not provide.

8. What is transfer voucher? Give a specimen of transfer voucher.  3

Ans:- Transfer Voucher:

A transfer voucher is an internal document used to record the transfer of funds or assets between accounts within an organization. It serves as evidence for the transaction and helps maintain accurate financial records.

Sample of Transfer Voucher:

9. Define (a) Trial Balance and (b) Suspense Account. 3

Ans:- A trial balance is a statement that lists all the balances of a business's general ledger accounts at a specific point in time. Its primary purpose is to ensure that the total debits equal the total credits, which helps identify any discrepancies in the accounting records.

Ans:- A suspense account is a temporary account used to hold uncertain or unclassified amounts until they can be properly allocated to the correct accounts. It is used when there are discrepancies in accounting entries that require further investigation before final classification.

10. Classify the following assets into fixed and current assets: 3

Cash in Hand; Debtors; Land and Building; Stock of Goods; Furniture; Plant and Machinery.

Ans:- (i) Current assets: These are assets that are expected to be converted into cash or used up within a year. They are generally liquid and include items such as cash, inventory and receivables.

(ii) Fixed assets: These are long-term assets that are not expected to be converted into cash within a year. They are used in the operations of a business and include property, plant and equipment.

Classification of assets:-

(i) Current assets

(a) Cash in hand: It is liquid and can be used immediately.

(b) Debtors (accounts receivable): These are amounts payable to the business that are expected to be recovered within a year.

(c) Stock of goods (inventory): It includes goods available for sale and expected to be sold within a year.

(ii) Fixed Assets

(a) Land and Buildings: These are long-term investments in property and are not designed for quick liquidation.

(b) Furniture: This is a tangible asset used for business operations, with a useful life usually exceeding one year.

(c) Plant and Machinery: These are essential for production processes and have long-term utility in the business.

By properly classifying these assets, businesses can better manage their financial statements and understand their liquidity and operational capabilities.

11. What do you mean by computerized accounting? 3





(Read Syllabus/ Notes, Exam Routine, Question Papers and solved)

Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK