[APRIL - 2023]
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80


(i) This Question Paper consists of 30 questions.

(ii) All questions are compulsory.

(iii) Marks for each question have been indicated against it.

(iv) Each question from Q. Nos. 1 to 8 has four alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which one is the most appropriate. Choose the correct answer among the four alternatives and write it in your Answer-Book against the number of the question. No separate time is allotted for attempting multiple choice questions.

हिंदी माध्यम: यहां क्लिक करें

1. Select the correct sequence from the following options given below: 1

(A) Cell, tissue, organ, organ system and organism

(B) Organism, tissue, organ system, cell and organ

(C) Organism, organ system, tissue, cells and organs

(D) Tissue, cells, organism, organ and organ system

2. The association between maternal and foetal tissue is called: 1

(A) endometrium

(B) placenta

(C) umbilical chord

(D) wall of uterus

3. Niche is understood as: 1

(A) Space between two habitats

(B) Functional role of species in a habitat

(C) Space available on a tree

(D) Space shared by two or more species

4. In the alcohol manufacturing industry the organisms used is: 1

(A) Saccharomyces

(B) Streptomyces

(C) Chlamydomonas

(D) Leuconostoc

5. During asexual reproduction Rhizopus produces a large number of: 1

(A) Spores

(B) Gametes

(C) Buds

(D) Fission-forms

6. The inflorescence of Mustard is the ideal example of this type of inflorescence: 1

(A) Raceme

(B) Cymose

(C) Corymb

(D) Head

7. Desert plants conserve water by: 1

(A) developing waxy coating on leaves.

(B) having more stomata.

(C) having broad leaves.

(D) having more hydathodes.

8. The phyto-hormone used as weedicide is: 1

(A) Auxin

(B) Gibberellins

(C) 2, 4-D

(D) Ethylene

9. What is non-specific immune responses? Write any two examples of it. 2

10. With the help of a schematic sequential flow chart show the flow of information from genes to cytoplasm, during the process of protein synthesis. 2

11. Label the parts a, b and c of the following curve. Name the curve. What does it depict? 2

12. How is a nucleoside different from a nucleotide? 2

13. Draw a lined diagram of stomatal apparatus found in Dicots and label its any four parts. 2

14. The plant Nepenthes lives in Nitrogen deficient soils. How does it get Nitrogen, necessary for its living? 2

15. (a) Name two microbes which help plants in getting nutrients. Explain how? 2

(b) Write any one example. 2

16. What is the source of (O2) released during photosynthesis? What is the process called? Also write its equation. 2

17. What is cellular respiration? Write its products. Write the name of organelle involved in this process. 2

18. Explain the process of Sex determination in honey bees. 2

19. Write the functions of following organs of male reproductive system of man: 2

(a) Seminal vesicles

(b) Prostate glands

20. Write any two important characters of insect pollinated flowers. Write one example of it. 2

21. Name of some plants are given in column-'A'. Select appropriate type of roots from column-'B' and make the pair. 4


(a) Banyan

(b) Money plant

(c) Sweet potato

(d) Orchids


(i) Tuberous root

(ii) Epiphytic root

(iii) Climbing root

(iv) Prop root

(v) Napiform root

22 (a) Define ecotone. 4

(b) Why grasslands and wetlands are considered as ecotone? Explain with the help of one example of each.

23. (a) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a DNA molecule showing formation of new DNA strands. 4

(b) In which direction does a new strand of DNA is formed during replication?

(c) What are Okazaki fragments?

24. (a) Name any four types of immunoglobulins produced in human body. 4

(b) What is triple vaccine? At what stage is it administered in human beings? Name the diseases it prevents.

25. Write any three differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Write one example for each type. 4

26. To show the internal structure of human heart draw a lined diagram of it and label the following structures: 4

auricles, ventricles, aorta, pulmonary artery, bicuspid valve and tri-cuspid valve.

27. (a) Define Mendel's law of independent assortment.  6

(b) Explain it with the help of Punnett square.

(c) Write the phenotypic ratio of F2 generation.

28. (a) Write one character of following plant tissues. Also mention their location.  6

(i) Parenchyma (ii) Xylem (iii) Meristematic tissue

(b) Write name of one organism having following structures / characters:

(i) Canal system

(ii) Tentacles

(iii) Absence of digestive system

(iv) Suckers

(v) Jointed legs

(vi) Tube feet

29. (a) Name any two food items that could prevent Vitamin-D deficiency in our body.

(b) Name the disease caused due to deficiency of Vitamin-A and also write any one symptom of it.

(c) Write any three methods for conservation of soil.

30. (a) In photosynthesis, there are two reactions light and dark reactions. Why they are called so? Explain.

(b) What are the products obtained in each reaction?

(c) What are P680 and P700?





(Read Syllabus/ Notes, Exam Routine, Question Papers and solved)

Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK