Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.



(Reading Skill: 10 Marks)


1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. Maharana Pratap ruled over Mewar only for 25 years. However, he accomplished so much grandeur during his reign that his glory surpassed the boundaries of countries and time turning him into an immortal personality. He, along with his kingdom, become a synonym for valour, sacrifice and patriotism. Mewar had been a leading Rajput kingdom even before Maharana Pratap occupied the throne. Kings of Mewar, with the cooperation of their nobles and subjects, had established such traditions in the kingdom, as augmented their magnificence, despite the hurdles of having a smaller area under their command and less population. There did come a few thorny occasions when the flag of the kingdom seemed sliding down. Their flag once again heaved high in the sky, thanks to the gallantry and brilliance of the people of Mewar.

2. The destiny of Mewar was good in the sense that barring a few kings, most of the rulers were competent and patriotic. This glorious tradition of the kingdom almost continued for 1500 years since its establishment, right from the reign of Bappa Rawal. In fact, only 60 years before Maharana Pratap, Rana Sanga drove the kingdom to the pinnacle of fame. His reputation went beyond Rajasthan and reached Delhi. Two generations before him, Rana Kumbha had given a new stature to the kingdom through victories and developmental work. During his reign, literature and art also progressed extraordinarily. Rana himself was inclined towards writing and his works are read with reverence, even today. The ambience of his kingdom was conducive to the creation of high-quality work of art and literature. These accomplishments were the outcome of a long-standing tradition sustained by several generations.

3. The life of the people of Mewar must have been peaceful and prosperous during the long span of time; otherwise, such extraordinary accomplishment in these fields would not have been possible. This is reflected in their art and literature as well as their loving nature. They compensate for lack of admirable physique by their firm but pleasant nature. The ambience of Mewar remains lovely, thanks to the cheerful and liberal character of its people.

4. One may observe astonishing pieces of workmanship not only in the forts and palaces of Mewar but also in public utility buildings. Ruins of many structures which are still standing tall in their grandeur are testimony to the fact that Mewar was not only the land of the brave but also a seat of art and culture. Amidst aggression and bloodshed, literature and art flourished and creative pursuits of literature and artists did not suffer. Imagine, how glorious the period must have been when the Vijaya Stambha which is the sample of our great ancient architecture even today, was constructed. In the same fort, Kirti Stambha is standing high, reflecting how liberal the then administration was which allowed people from other communities and kingdoms to come and carry out construction work. It is useless to indulge in the debate whether the Vijaya Stambha was constructed first or the Kirti Stambha. The fact is that both the capitals are standing side by side and reveal the proximity between the king and the subjects of Mewar.

5. The cycle of time does not remain the same. Whereas the reign of Rana Sanga was crucial in raising the kingdom to the acme of glory, it also proved to be his nemesis. History took a turn. The fortune of Mewar - the land of the brave started waning. Rana tried to save the day with his acumen which was running against the stream and the glorious traditions for some time.



(a) Who is the earliest king of Mewar mentioned in the passage? 1

(b) What was Rana Kumbha's contribution to the glory of Mewar? 2

(c) Describe the life of people of Mewar. 2

(d) How did the people of Mewar compensate their lack of excellent physique? 2

(e) What does the erection of Vijaya Stambha and Kirti Stambha in the same fort signify? 2

(f) Find words from the passage which mean the same as each of the following: 0.5x2=1

(i) efficient and capable (para 2)

(ii) evidence (para 4)



(Advanced Writing Skills: 25 Marks)

2. Design a poster in not more than 50 words for your school library on the value of books and good reading habits. You may use slogans. 5


Water supply will be suspended for eight hours (10 am to 6 pm) on 5th April' 25 for cleaning of the water tank. Write a notice in about 50 words advising the residents to store water for a day. You are Janak /Janaki, Secretary, Prasanti Housing Society. 5

3. Keeping in view the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, floods and torrential rains in different parts of the country, your school arranged a talk on disaster management. The speaker explained the precautionary measures to be taken by the public and the government in case of emergency. As a student reporter, prepare a report on the talk in 100-125 words, to be published in your school magazine. 10


A major bus mishap which left several people seriously injured took place in Numaligarh. Luckily no life was lost. Collect the information from the eyewitnesses and send a report in 100-125 words to 'The Sentinel'. 10

4. A newly established Museum of Indian History and Culture in your city requires a general manager for the Museum. Write an application, along with your detailed resume, to the Director in response to the advertisement applying for the post. 10


Write a letter to the Editor of 'The Assam Tribune' highlighting the importance of proper garbage disposal with an aim to create 10 awareness among the city residents in your city. You are Kamal/ Karabi.



(Grammar: 20 Marks)


5. Change the form of the narration of any two of the following sentences: 2×2=4

(a) He said to the boys, "Let us start at once, otherwise we may miss the train".

(b) Bimal told Gopal that he was the first boy in the class and he would remain so till he left the school.

(c) Macbeth asked his wife whether she heard a noise. She said to him, "Go back and wash your hands".

6. Change the voice of any three of the following sentences: 1x3=3

(a) Summon the fire brigade.

(b) Sita always plays the sitar.

(c) He has kept me waiting here.

(d) The team is developing the software.

(e) The house was blown down.

(f) Why wasn't the matter brought to my notice?

7. Rewrite any five of the following sentences using the verbs given in brackets in their correct forms: 1x5=5

(a) Most of the people in India ________(believe) in God.

(b) We two ______(be) friends for ages.

(c) When he started for office, it still _____(rain).

(d) Hurry up, the taxi _____(wait).

(e) If you ______(request) him, he would have helped you.

(f) I wish I ______(can) help you.

(g) The other day I ______(meet) a magician in the bazaar.

(h) Please ring me up as soon as he _____(come).

8. Rewrite any four of the following sentences filling in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 1×4-4

(a) Your story is devoid ______truth.

(b) Hydrogen combines ______oxygen to form water.

(c) Prof. Singh delivered a lecture _______nuclear fusion.

(4) He has been ill _______last three years.

(e) Last night a thief broke ______my house.

(f) The examination is _______hand.

(g) He is ______ trial now.

9. Rewrite any four of the following sentences as directed: 1×4=4

(a) Can anyone take failure with an easy mind? (Make it an assertive sentence)

(b) You may go anywhere. (Make it a complex sentence)

(c) You can be allowed here only if you are a student. (Make it a simple sentence)

(d) Platinum is more valuable than gold. (Lise the positive degree)

(e) Everybody loves flowers. (Make it interrogative)

(f) It is a matter of joy that we won the Champions Trophy. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(g) I offended him by doing this. (Make it a compound sentence)

(h) We often go out for dinner on weekends............. (Add a question tag)



(Textbooks: 45 Marks)


10. Read one of the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

(A)"....... but after the airport's

security check, standing a few yards away,

I looked again at her, wan, pale

as a late winter's moon and felt that old

familiar ache, my childhood's fear,

but all I said was, see you soon,


all I did was smile and smile and smile..............

(a) What did the poet do after the security check? 1

(b) Why did the poet compare her mother's face to a late winter's moon? 2

(c) What is her childhood's fear? 1


(B) "For once on the face of the Earth

let's not speak in any language,

let's stop for one second,

and not move our arms so much."

(a) Name the poet. 1

(b) "Let's not speak in any language", says the poet. Why? 2

(c) What do you understand by face of the Earth? 1

11. Answer any three of the following questions in 30-40 words: 2×3=6

(i) Why are the Young Trees described as 'sprinting'?

(ii) What alternatives does the poet suggest instead of indulging in wars in the poem 'Keeping Quiet'?

(iii) What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?

(iv) Why is 'grandeur associated with the 'mighty dead'?

(v) How did the travellers on the highways react to the roadside stand?

(vi) What does the expression 'polished traffic' refer to? What does it reveal about city people?

12. Answer any five of the following questions: 1x5=5

(a) What makes the city of Firozabad famous?

(b) What did Hauser bring?

(c) Who were ready to follow Gandhi into jail?

(d) What was Mukesh's dream?

(e)  What are mahseers?

(f) What was the name of Geoff's younger brother?

(g) What's the meaning of the word 'gawky'?

(a) Introvert

(b) Ugly

(c) Trustworthy

(h) At what time of the year was the North Bank 'delightful'?

(i) For last two years, where did all bad news come from?

13. Answer any five in 30-40 words: 2x5=10

(a) Franz thinks, "Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?" What could this mean?

(b) Give a description of Bunglow at Gauhati where John Rowntree stayed.

(c) Why did Gandhiji feel that taking the Champaran case to the court was useless?

(d) How did Rajkumar Shukla establish that he was resolute?

(e) Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from having dreams?

(f) 'Garbage to them is gold'. How do ragpickers of Seemapuri survive?

(g) Describe the irony in Saheb's name.

(h) Why was Sophie jealous of Geoff's silence?

14. Answer any one of the following questions in 80-100 words: 1x5=5

(a) Give a character sketch of M. Hamel.

(b) Describe the author's experiences of the floods on the North Bank of the Brahmaputra during the monsoon.

(c) Give an account of Gandhiji's efforts to secure justice for the poor indigo sharecroppers of Champaran?

15. Answer any one of the following questions in 125-150 words: 1x7=7

(a) Why did Dr. Sadao Hoki go to America? Narrate his experiences there.

(b) Describe how Mr. Lamb and Derry's conversation bring about a change in Derry's views towards life.

(c) What is Kati Bihu's significance? How is Kati Bihu celebrated in Assam?

16. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words: 2×4=8

(a) Briefly describe the custom of 'magan' or 'begging' associated with the Kacharies.

(b) Who is Derry? How does Derry get into Lamb's garden?

(c) How did the Tiger King meet his end?

(d) Why did Zitkala-Sa feel uncomfortable in the dining room?

(e) What advice did Annan offer Bama?

(f) Why does Derry's mother oppose his going back to the old man's garden?

(g) Who was Hana? What did she notice coming out of the mist?









(Chapter wise Notes, Exam Question Papers solved, MCQ solved)





(Read Syllabus/ Notes, Exam Routine, Question Papers and solved)